How did I ended up blogging for the sake of the readers and not my personal interest...
But whatever the reason could be...
I have to blog..
I was admonished for my lack of responsibility and therefore I'm here..
Because I'm stuck between the devil and the deep sea..
Haha.. One is self pride and another is him.. XD
Ok enough about me... We shall move on to
"Watch your mouth kid...."
Do you notice that people from all education level
speak the word of profanity?
people apparently love to swear...
yes curse!!
one of the famous ones is________.
Fill in the blank... I'm sure everyone is very familiar with this ilk of word....
Teenagers especially love to sing the words of profanity...
How unlikely would it be for you to not listen to this phrase at least once a day
"What the ****"
Pretty unlikely unless you are half deaf or you are acting all goody goody infront of your parents...
And the reasons (masks for lies) for profanity are
- expression of anger... HAHAHAHA
- everyone is using.. It is a culture.... cough cough
- it is not that bad....

It may seem hilarious.. XD which in my opinion it is.. xD
But it is not good...
Because all of us are so used to this...
This ilk of profanity are no longer offensive!!
Imagine the anger in you when you are seriously angry showing this and the others just laugh it off thinking it is cute.. What the.....
Preserve it so it would be more meaningful.. XD
stop showing it off every once in a while...
Give the others a chance to prove it worth more than laughter
come on...
I mean.. stop this ignorance towards the this ill existence in humanity...
Proving us as nothing but a bunch of uncivilized and uneducated animals...
Stop this.. kill it
It is not like the dictionary is lacking of words for us to use right?
Come on, wake up and stop sitting on the dictionary of yours...
Be civilized.. And preserve foul words..
I mean.. Prevent foul words..
Watch your mouth kid...
Cause everyone is listening....
seriously... you may take the honor to kick me out of this now.. XD
I know I have brought disgrace to this Gaia...
posted by
A girl filled with reasons for being lazy..
1 comment:
Wai Lun and Mei Yan are on the axe list and will be deleted pretty soon. Which isn't that bad, since we're experiencing a flood of posts.
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