Friday, April 4, 2008

How It Works Out.

Once everyone accepts, we'll have seven authors. That's three admins:

  • Wayne (Dictator-of-sorts)
  • Yench (Main Poster (boy) )
  • Hafiz (Graphics and Editorials)
and four normal authors, for those of you who can't do math that well.

This blog will have a maximum of nine authors in total. Why? Pshaw. It's a lucky number, fool.

How do we blog? Simple.

When you have something interesting/intelligent/witty to blog about, blog it. That's all there is to it. All I ask is that you give at least ONE DAY's gap between the last post and yours. Don't overkill. Spread it out.

Thank you.

And blog regularly. Or you'll be getting some warning jabs in the ass. Regularly roughly means once a week or so. Nothing too hectic. Thank you for joining.

P.S. After every post, you're allowed to leave a signature: Name, personal site, etc. Tell me if you want your personal site linked up.

P.S.S If you're going to insert lots of pictures in your post (read: more than 4 or 5), host them on external servers (Photobucket etc).

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