'cause I will be the death of you.
Five good reasons why you need to play your part this 22nd April.

2. Polar bears are too cute to die due to melting of icebergs.

Scientists are very worried because ice is melting in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Animals, including polar bears, are also at risk of extinction.
This is because in the last 40 years, the ice has got thinner by 40%.
And with less ice around, polar bears don't have enough hunting ground for the seals they like to eat.

3. There'll be too much junk.

Till there won't be place for more shopping malls! :(
Imagine a world without malls =O
There are two ways to manage municipal solid waste (MSW). The high-waste approach involves leaving it somewhere, burning it, or burying it. Landfills, the symbol of the high-waste approach, have the proven reputation of preventing MSW from degrading, not to mention attracting a lot of traffic, noise, and dust to the surrounding areas.

4. Trees will die, Plants will die, Flowers will die.
Now where'll you get your roses for me from?
P/s I love white roses TQ.

There are between 5 and 30 million species of flora and fauna. The bulk exist in the tropics -- ten one-hectare plots of Borneo rain forest (below) can contain as many species of trees as all of North America. But we are destroying habitat and the biodiversity it sustains at between 1,000 and 10,000 times the rate of extinction before human intervention.

5. Earth Is God's Creation For Us.
And we want it to not only be here for us, but for our kids too. So please do your part and take great care of God's greatest creation for both you and I.
Whether you're a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim or a freethinker like me, it doesn't differ much because the EARTH is God's creation for us mankind. Let it be Allah, or Jesus, or the idols you worship to, either way it was created just for us.
And if you love God as much as I do, please do what you're supposed to do. In fact do what you're supposed to do not only on Earth Day, but every single day of your entire life. :)
TQ & have a great day ahead!
This is about me. Me. ME!!! Okay.
Just the other day I had buffet dinner with my childhood best friend & her family. & I fell. In the restaurant. Note, I was carrying a plate with keropok & I was wearing a denim skirt with my pair of highest heels.
Yes my skirt was short so it sorta adds to the embarrassment : (
Nooo I didn't ambil kesempatan to publish my picture here tsk tsk I was merely showing you my skirt! Grr. Wth.
And my heels were that high.

I wasn't sure how I fell but I was quite certain I ended on the floor like that :
And all the keropok fell onto the floor :(
Then the woman working there was staring at me like I was some freak.
What? Haven't you seen anyone falling in a buffet restaurant? Pfft
The last drawing was damn cool. Lol.
lol yeah of course! it's me! i'm cool! woohooo. \m/
Lmao. LMAO. Ah well. Nice post.
Where's my posting 'window'?
oh yay i've got comments. what's a posting window lmao.
posting: the act of publishing, not to be confused with:
posing: placing your body in different, perhaps suggestive positions, perhaps for a nude photoshoot.
window: an opening in the wall in which a poser, which might or might not be in a nude photoshoot, will stare at or use as a prop.
Oh Australia, what have you done with this poor boy.
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