Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Soulja Boy Related To Led Zeppelin?

Drastic times call for drastic measures! :D :D :D

One is truly a musical legend, the other an overnight, over-rated mass media artist. See the link? Nothing obvious, but if we dig deeply we might get one…

Before I start, a side note of things:

DISCLAIMER: Any written words or sentence within this post are merely my thoughts and opinions and are not related whatsoever towards the future success or failure to the mentioned artists. All references and facts are to be cited from Wikipedia and iTunes and claimed to be true. If however, third party sources that are used for the articles from the original two sources are found to be inaccurate are used, tough luck.

Who would have thought that rock can be associated with cheap and cheesy rap? It sure does now.

Let’s start. Led Zeppelin is a classic rock band formed circa 1960s all the way to 1980 with a few reunions later on. Within this time too, bands such as The Who, Thin Lizzy, The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith were formed. We mainly classify these bands as ‘Rock’ but specifically (citing Wikipedia):

From there, we can see that all five of them are closely related.

How far have we gone from here?

Not far, we still have some distance to go.

For the ‘link’ to be found, we need to get a band(s) that crosses the timeline from the 60s or 70s all the way into the 21st century. Apart from that, we need the find bands that are a hybrid of rap and rock or rap rock as they call it.

Rap rock was first established or known in 1980s and originated from the United States. Bands that are known to influence (or be influenced by) this genre, were among others, Aerosmith, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park and Rage Against The Machine.

There. We have found the link for the age, which is between Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Linkin Park. Both are active till now, although the former has been doing it since the days of Aerosmith.

For the hybrid band, we have Linkin Park, pioneering the rap rock genre and filling the gap for the leap between rock to rap.

Things are starting to become clearer now. Since we have divulged in rap and Linkin Park, we can start talking about the likes of Jay-Z and Kanye West. Jay-Z and Linkin Park are closely related, especially in their collaboration but their music styles are almost similar, since both are within the rap circle. And within it lies Kanye West too.

And from there again, Jay-Z and Kanye West are also in the list of pop rappers, together with Soulja Boy.

A blasphemous relationship, but hey, the link is there.

So in a nutshell:

Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith [linked by genre]

Aerosmith and Red Hot Chilli Peppers [linked by genre and influence on rap rock]

Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Linkin Park [linked by genre and active years]

Linkin Park and Jay-Z/Kanye West [linked by sub-genre]

Jay-Z/Kanye West and Soulja Boy [linked by genre]

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Song For MJ.

It's very sobering to wake up, stare at your own reflection in grotesque fascination, and have no idea who you are.

Why can't it (ever) be the same? (again)
It makes me feel.
'Memento mori' etched out in black ink,
But I already knew that
And we oscillate
Between love and hate.

See, it wasn't my choice.
It struck me by surprise.
And it's so tragic

Ignorance is bliss
I concur.

But when you're nice,
You're nice.
And when you make me happy,

What do you want?
What do I want?
Odd world. Loopy contradictions
Sick irony - black humour.

i want.
it to be straightforward.
knowing that it won't ever be.
i lie deep in muddy waters
drenched in regret
and (personal) failure.
so far out - out of touch
i must have been

i want.
to hold you tight
to hell with the world
they can't touch us
if we were what i wanted us to be.

So it's a song for MJ.
That I promised.
It's not quite ready.
And it's pretty damn chronic
But, yes.

Hold me tight
Through the night

Monday, May 19, 2008

1984 terrifying.

The book is by George Orwell. Get it.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mission: Big Mac (Vote Now!)

It is official.

The Gustave Oon has submitted his contest entry for the Big Mac Chant Challenge by Nuffnang.

Dear, fans/readers/lecturers/kind strangers/stalkers/friends, vote for Gustave!

Vote for Mission: Big Mac and ONLY Mission: Big Mac

His second semester of college fees may be on the line!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Penguin rape.

No. The Gustave did not random come up with a random title involving animals and sex in order to say "Hah! Now that I have your attention..." and rant on about flying lions with blue...horns... that shoot...


Penguin rape is a very real, very scary, and possibly very arousing phenomenon coming to a cybercafe near you.

The following is based on a true story.

Gustave apologises for his absence from blogging.

The following is also a very suitable metaphor for the situation Gustave is in with SAM.

Seal and penguin (Nico de Bruyn)

An Antarctic fur seal has been observed trying to have sex with a king penguin.

The bizarre event took place on a beach on Marion Island, a sub-Antarctic island that is home to both fur seals and king penguins.

Why the seal attempted to have sex with the penguin is unclear. But the scientists who photographed the event speculate that it was the behaviour of a frustrated, sexually inexperienced young male seal.

Equally, it might be been an aggressive, predatory act; or even a playful one that turned sexual.

"At first glimpse, we thought the seal was killing the penguin," says Nico de Bruyn, of the Mammal Research Institute at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

The brazenness of the seal's behaviour left those who saw it in no doubt as to what was happening.

De Bruyn and a colleague were on Trypot beach at Marion Island to study elephant seals when they noticed a young, adult male Antarctic fur seal, in good condition, attempting to copulate with an adult king penguin of unknown sex.

The 100kg seal first subdued the 15kg penguin by lying on it.

The penguin flapped its flippers and attempted to stand and escape - but to no avail.

The seal then alternated between resting on the penguin, and
thrusting its pelvis, trying to insert itself, unsuccessfully.

After 45 minutes the seal gave up, swam into the water and then completely ignored the bird it had just assaulted, the scientists report.

Why a fur seal would indulge in such extreme sexual behaviour is unclear.

Seal and penguin (Nico de Bruyn)

(The seal may have been frustrated in its attempts to find a partner)

Marion Island is the only place in the world where Antarctic fur seals are known to hunt king penguins on land, so the idea that the fur seal was trying to eat the object of its attention made sense.

"But then we realised that the seal's intentions were rather more amorous."

The researchers speculate that the male seal was too young to win access to female seals, and in a state of sexual excitement, looked elsewhere.

But the mating season was nearly over when the incident took place, leading the scientists to also wonder whether the seal's natural predatory aggression toward the bird became redirected into sexual arousal.

"It was most certainly a once-off and has never previously or since been recorded anywhere in the world to our knowledge," says de Bruyn.

The penguin did not appear to have been injured by the seal, the scientists report.

By Matt Walker on BBC.

I apologise.

I know this goes against the absolutely -NO- nude photoshots rule.

However, I had trouble finding pictures of decently dressed seals.

Penguins I had no problems.

You know. The whole penguin in tuxedo thing.

But still.

Penguins in tuxedos getting raped by decently dressed seals in their natural habitat and not in the basement of some twisted animal lover with a Yiff fetish.



Monday, May 12, 2008

Just So You Know.


SEASON 2007/2008

Ryan Giggs for Ruler of the Universe!!!1111onee!two

Friday, May 9, 2008

Basic Instructions.

Basic Instructions is an awesome webcomic.

And here's a sample. It isn't the funniest one there, but it was the last one I read. Oh, and the last panel is full of win.

The point of this post? There is none.

Mother's Day this Sunday, folks.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Empire Strikes Back

With the recent charging of influential blogger Raja Petra Kammarudin under the infamous sedition act, one wonders whether the current federal government's promise of reform in really just a thinly veiled lie that 'sounds like it, looks like it, but it is not it'.

Raja Petra was charged under the sedition act, which, in my opinion, is totally unjustified:

1. The Sedition Act charges someone who 'incites the public into violence'. I find nothing seditious about the article, and I don't think anyone has taken to the streets as a result of the article.

2. The appropriate avenue, if DPM Najib is unsatisfied with the article and claims, is to sue Raja Petra with defamation. This obviously falls into the case of civil law; why use the government's resources (AG Chambers) and taxpayer's money? (The Sedition Act is under criminal law) Another example of the government grossly misplacing public funds.

3. Raja Petra has been writing articles like this for years now. Why are the government taking action only now? Is it because Raja Petra's blog was part of the political tsunami that drowned many in the BN? The Empire Strikes Back?

4. Raja Petra has 'kutuk-ed' the PM previously before this. Heck, Raja Petra has kutuk-ed everyone in the corridors of powers at least ten times. No action was taken. One has to wonder: why all the hullabaloo over this one? Does this mean that the number 2 is more powerful than the number 1?

5. With the recent promise of a judicial reform, one has to wonder about the timing of this charge. Sounds like it, looks like it, but is not it?

6. I think the government has taken the wrong route in charging Raja Petra. Now there will be 2 cases for Altantuyah: One is the watered down kangaroo court that is being delayed and delayed again, the other is Raja Petra's trial. By charging Raja Petra, the government has given him the avenue to reveal the information he has, as part of his 'defense'.

Anyone else marveling over the super defense team?


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Queensland State Championships

This would probably not interest you regular 20secondslapse readers/authors, but I had to post it somewhere, and between this and my badminton blog, this seemed the more appropriate place.

So I woke up t 5:30am to catch a taxi, a bus and a 40 minute train to some ulu place that seemed like 100KM south of Brisbane. After arriving, I realized that I was early, and had to wait outside the doors before they were opened. The next one hour was spent trying to organize the tables, food, registrations, before the Queensland Scrabble State Championships could begin.

Game 1: Lorraine

The game started neck to neck before I spotted JeOPARDY through a R. She then immediately struck back with a bingo, two over 50 power tile scores, and another bingo in 4 consecutive moves to throw me way behind. Spent 15 minutes on the last move trying to find a place for my MUNNIES, but the board was too blocked up. Eventually lost 409-340. Definitely not the start I intended.

Game 2: Rita

The benefit of losing the first game is that you get thrown way down the King of the Hill rankings, and get paired against a weaker player for the second and third rounds. Got SALTIER to win 362-251.

Game 3: Carol

She started off strongly, leading by 50 points all the way until she had to change and I put down AlIMONY. She retaliated with SQUIRMS to pull slightly ahead, but I finished strongly with NIXE (47) to clinch the game by 319-309.

Game 4: Trish

She is the highest rated player in our division, I am told. So logically, I should play conservative and block. For whatever reason, I decided gung ho open up, and for whatever reason, this worked so superbly I got the highest score of the tournament. I score big with BEADIER (78), TRADERS (75), ANTIsERA (82), supported by ZOA (40), DEX (49) and JUTE (40) to win 482-229.

At this stage it was lunch, and I had a feeling the tile faerie will reverse my luck.

Game 5: Erika

At this stage, I was playing the leader, Erika. I was told that she was the second highest rated player in my division, and she was ‘damn good’. No fear, I play gung ho like the previous game. And gung ho it was. Two successive bingos ThRONED and STONIER put me ahead by 100 points, but her power tiles in the late game managed to pull her close. I eventually won 373-351.

Game 6: Sharon

After dislodging the leader, I played the other leader in our division. It was a tight game all the way, with no bingos, but I eventually lost 372-355.

Game 7: Wendy

Notice a trend here how all my opponents seem to be women? At this stage I had a slight fever, but ploughed on bravely. Her two successively bingos and power tiles took her 200 points ahead of me by the 6th move, but I never gave up and kept smiling. The tournament organizers gave me a gift for continuously smiling even though I was 200 points down. My spectacular comeback did materialize however, with my bingo STAINER and SATIRES and stinker XI, but her powerful outplay but her firmly out of my reach. Lost 397-353, but earned the praise of many for not giving up :D.

During the break, when Glenys Logan called the tile fairy a ‘bitch’, I wholeheartedly concurred.

Game 8: Jeanette

Another woman continues my spectacular collapse. She bingoed early on with SEQUOIa (94) and extended it to SEQUOIAS with her JUTES to score (52) in the next turn. Desperately trying to save the game, she pulled ahead with another bingo which scored her 68 points. Lost the game 462-338.

From 4-1 to 4-4. From near first place to god knows where. Fucking brilliant.

Game 9: Trevor

Finally, a guy. This Trevor was extremely friendly and funny. When I opened with JOCKS for 52, he commented: and I thought this was going to be a friendly game. At this stage I was extremely exhausted, and just opened the board and powered my way through, much to the dismay of Trevor. Got LENDERS and RAZED for 65 and 45 respectively. However, when I noticed that he was keeping a blank, and although I did not tile track, had the feeling he was going to attempt to outplay me by a bingo, I closed up all the openings that I opened. I think he noticed that too, and tried to open up. I did it just in time to prevent him from outplaying with a SEAGIT? Rack, to win 397-280.

And you thought the excitement for the day stopped there. Of course not. Exhausted, I took the 40 minute train back to Brisbane. On the train, I met an extremely cute Korean girl that attempted conversation. You know Victor is very exhausted when he doesn’t make a conscious effort to try to flirt with a woman, especially one who likes the music of Big Bang. Fell asleep on the train, but was woken up by the nice Korean girl when the train reached my station.

At the railway station, I was supposed to wait 30 minutes for a bus, but decided to hail a cab. After 10 minutes of failed hailing of a cab, I finally called the taxi company to send a cab my way (for a 2 dollar surcharge: I initially wanted to save the 2 dollars…stingy university students ma…). On my way back to my unit, I suddenly had diarrhea and had to stop at a toilet on the way back.

And now I am typing this on my 40 minute train ride to my second day of the Queensland State Championships – This tournament is certainly shaping up to be the most eventful of all tournaments I have ever been to!

Am typing this just after I’ve missed my train and have to wait 30 minutes for the next one.

Game 10: Svendt

He puts the first bingo down, DEcORATE for 72 before I retaliate with PaLMERS for 75. We then trade power tile moves with ZEA for 48 and DIX for 40. My SOLVITE* got challenged off, and he bingos the next move. Lose 422-325. Definitely not the start I want.

Game 11: Arnold

I open with 3 unusable (literally) racks when he powers tiles his way to a 50 point lead. I eventually pull back with a 78 point bingo. When he challenged it and I got up, I accidently saw that he had a J on his rack. The next move, he tried to bingo futilely with a word without J. My suspicion is that he is keeping tiles. Win eventually by trapping him with both Vs (351-301).

Game 12: Anne

My karma in this game was at its all time low. She bingos 4 times, got all power tiles to win 421-330. I managed to bingo once, but was too depressed to write it down.

At this point I am 6-6 and I am depressed. But then the most extraordinary this happens.

Game 13: Keith

I feel bad for bullying this man by time pressuring him. His score got deducted by 40 as a result of the time penalty. I, on the other hand, got NAILERS, EXIDE and AZON for 72, 50 ad 48 to win comfortably by 384-236.

Game 14: Anne

I was drawn against the player with the least wins in my division as a result of the no repeat rule. She applies a brilliant strategy of restricting my (perceived) bingo power, but I eventually manage to win by trapping her with the Q and both Vs by 308-268.

Game 15: Noni

Noni is the leader and eventual winner of this tournament. She has been undefeated all day, and played an open game, much to my delight. I open with GLEANERS and ENTAILED for 71 and 70 respectively to bring my score to 223-106 after round 4. I follow up with VoTings for 83 to defeat her for the first time today at 435-390.

Game 16: Sharon

That’s right, the same Sharon from day 1. Everyone was asking me to ‘kick her arse’… Apparently she is not too popular over here. I bingo with ANTIAiR and ARRESTS to win 437-252.

Game 17: Trish

This is the same Trish from day 1 whom I beat by 250+ points. When she found out she had got me, she cried in dismay. I told her that it would be a good time for her to exact her revenge. Apparently the tile gods liked me better. My ZO, WAILeRS and XI managed to get 69,72 and 53 points respectively for me to win by 483-298.

I ended up at 4th place, but could have gotten 2nd place if Noni won her last game and Trevor lost his last game. So I go home empty handed and nearly broke. Mission failed.

One note about the players in division 2: Division 2 players in Australia are not as ‘easy’ as division 2 players in Malaysia. Don’t pray pray with them! They are extremely lethal with very impressive word knowledge/strategy. But I was glad I was able get from 6-6 to 11-6 with sweeping wins. The average age of the players on the other hand, is perhaps 4 times mine.

In the masters division, Chris May amazingly won 16/17 games to beat a strong field of Joanne Craig, Bob Jackman, Olga Visser to the title.

Number of bingos: 24 (Average 1.4 per game)

Average points scored each game: 355

Average points per move: 21.4

I think those are OK statistics.