why hello earthlings. ;)
So just yesterday I was in mid valley, yes that super duper huge mall with hell lotsa people and beautiful things. i.e:my very very beautiful halter ;D no don't close the window but read on because this isn't any personal emo emo blog entry unlike my usual entries on my previous blogs. tsk, not like you ACTUALLY know who I am anyway.
So yes, sister and I went to gardens instead where it's pretty empty throughout the entire day, every single day of the week. Oh boy this is soo draggy. So okay we were at borders and I was reading this book when all of a sudden this HOODED STRANGER (green jumper with hood on his head) who sorta looked like that :

walked up to me and asked me for the time. Btw I lost my watch in the office and I'm really sad although it didn't work properly so I just wore it 'coz it looked nice. loool.
Okay anyway I told him the time after looking at my mobile phone and he took out a tommy hilfiger perfume out of his bag. Really weird.

So he said, "Hi, we're having a launch here later, so have you heard of this brand?This is not direct sales you can ask your friends to come along"... yada yada yada goes on and on. See it wouldn't be HALF as freaky if he wasn't in that hood of his.
No I didn't get abducted 'coz my sister came to the rescue. Apparently he asked her really weird questions when she went to the audio books section like "Have you watched this movie?"
No that isn't HALF as freaky if he wasn't in that hood of his. BUT REALLY why would you be walking around with a hood on your head IN BORDERS, GARDENS??? And why would you be askiNG RANDON QUESTIONS TO RANDOM PEOPLE! Even weirder WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THERE'S A LAUNCH FOR A TOMMY HILFIGER PERFUME when there isn't!
yes it's freaky. trust me I was shit scared.
I hope Wayne Paul Simon doesn't kick me out of 20secondslapse 'coz of this UBER boring blog post. No he wouldn't coz he's nice. tsk tsk, I'm such a suck up.
Okay so that was ONLY freaky event #1.
After walking in Gardens, sister and I went to Mid Valley to meet up with mom. Dropped into McD to get 2 cups of drinks. We were at the front of the line and suddenly this old woman came up to us speaking in canto asking us to buy her a cup of coffee. Don't remember if she touched us but she kept asking us to buy her coffee. So my sister just made that hand movement and said sorry. Hell I was scared of this old lady.
Not that she could carry us both into a super huge crane and chop us both into bricks to build a sewage but I WAS STILL AFRAID COZ IM A COWARD. But it's alright to be a coward 'coz I'm a girl and I'm Twack so everything I do is alright and everything I say is correct :)
Still the old lady wouldn't budge and asked for a buck instead. See what WAS really weird is that why would weird people be walking around McD & Borders but none of the staff shoo-ed them away! (not shoot, shoo-ed)
I mean THEY SHOULD coz i don't think I'll ever have the guts to go into Borders alone in my entire life coz I feel so violated now! : ( aww.
It's A THREAT TO THEIR CROWD AND CROWD BRINGS THEM BUSINESS SO HELLOOOO can't they at least ensure that there ARE NO WEIRDO FREAKOS who scare people out of their skin?
Man. This is long.
Conclusion : Gardens & Mid valley are scary places to shop in but they're still filled with beautiful things which I would buy once I'm filthy rich :) wheeeeee~
Things I pretend to know although I don't really know :
1. Think TNB Think Ten. (I'm Soo sorry I stole this)
2. What soap opera REALLY means.
3. What hudud is.
4. How to pronounce Caucasian.
5. How to put on make up.
Lmao. tata peeps.
p/s 22nd April's World Earth Day so do play your part in saving the world ;)

Ah. Your first comment. :D
Damn it, 20 Seconds Lapse feels so quiet. I should start kicking authors. Soon.
... What did you type? Lol.
This post has been removed by the author. Wth.
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