Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An Epic Lesson On Physics And Politics.

If you're wondering why this blog hasn't had a new post in ages, you're a little slow, aren't you?

No, not really. Just kidding.
Disclaimer: All facts involved in this article are in fact non-truths.


Take a look at the title. I lied. This blog post isn't about either of the two charming subjects that start with the letter 'P' and form the member of the trinity (the last member ends with N and has an OR in the middle. Go figure.)

It's about lying.

I lied about that, actually. This is so confusing. I have no idea where I'm going with this.

What to do when an atom bomb hits.

Basically, when an atom bomb drops on you, you're f*cked. Yes, you will die. This is almost inevitable, unless you're Santa Clause - or Chuck Norris.

In case you're wondering how to avoid this plummeting death, wonder on.

20 Seconds Lapse is a dying blog. It's like the famous Hungabilly bird, unable to keep track in a high-paced world that waits for no stragglers. Oh, you poor thing. We so enjoyed the sight of your lush mottled green feathers brushing against the wind.

I want an e-bow.

This computer has a mind of its own.

Oh gosh that was awkward. No, I wasn't ogling your Facebook pic, don't be silly. No. Nope. Ow. OW! Hey, stay away from that! YOW!

Thursday is Formal Day. Well, not exactly, but who the hell cares. For what it's worth, it's Formal Day. That forms the initials FD, conincidentally the initials of that notorious banker-thief Frederick Diggory.

Be running up that hill.

Be running up that building.


What are you rushing around for, you slimy little overachiever? I hate you. Hate, hate, hate.

Let's make up rhymes, childish rhymes. Limes, crimes, dimes, chimes.

Ha ha ha ha.

You're running so fast. Pathetic whiny little voice. This is not fair. Fair- fair. Fair.

An epic lesson on .