Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hammarskjold Trophy Competition Speech

This address was delivered by Victor Ching at the closing stages in the final impromptu round of the state finals of the Hammarskjold Trophy Model United Nations Security Council Competition, held in the Inner Chambers of the Western Australia Parliament house. This was a last ditch effort after a day of negotiations to convince the People's Republic of China to exercise its veto power to block a resolution placing full sanctions on North Korea.

Honorable President of the United Nations Security Council,

We have congregated here today to discuss the fate of Democratic Peopls's Republic of Korea, and to discuss whether to place sanction on the country. With reference to the Republic of Slovakia's earlier addresses, we would like to stress than while it might seem to right thing to do, we are strongly against against such blatant disregard for the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Who are the ones that suffer when embargoes and sanctions are placed on a country? The people. Who are the ones that have to cut back, from two meals a day, to one, when embargoes and sanctions are placed on the country? The people. Who are the dying ones in the street, desperate for one extra crumb of bread, desperate for one extra grain of rice? The people. We sit in luxury here deciding the fate of this nation, but we fail to recognize we are putting a death sentence on millions of North Koreans. Innocent people, who's only crime was to be on the wrong side of the earth. We particularly express our disappointment for the People's Republic of China's lack of commitment in stopping such an overly harsh resolution from passing through this chambers.

The Republic of Slovakia further expresses its alarm in the People's Republic of China's lack of commitment in blocking this resolution, seeing that if this resolution is passed, the United Nations will be authorized in invading this country. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea's sovereignity is about to be breached here, if this very resolution passes this chamber. Was is not the United Nation's sworn duty, as highlighted in the preamble of its charter, to safeguard the sovereignity of nations? To prevent the scourge of war? This action is an invasion of the sovereignity of this nation. We once again, express our utmost disappointment in the People's Republic of China's lack of commitment in trying to aid its ally.

Honorable President,

Who are we, a western dominated organization, to infringe upon the sovereignity of this country, this country with a proud history reaching back to more than a thousand years. Who are we, the outsiders, to execute the basic decisions for the country, and by that, taking the sole privileged of the country to decide upon where it wants its people to go, what it wants to do. Who are we, the Security Council, to decide why or what another state can't do. We say North Korea might causes a war. Well, the US has nuclear weapons and caused the Iraq war. Should it be taken away from them? We all take the assumption that what we decide is what is best for this society. By invading the sovereignty of this country, we are taking away its sovereign, its pride, its independent existence. Do we want another Iraq? I am sure most member of states voted against that war that the US indefinitely decided to ignore the UN and continued, even as the world opposed. This is why, I pledge to all members states, especially the People Republic of China, which the Republic of Slovakia wishes to extend its utmost alarm and disappointment, to vote against this resolution. Thank You.

PS: The resolution went through, with one opposing (Slovakia), one abstentions (People Republic of China), and thirteen approvals.


Wayne. said...

:0 Save the people! Usually when it comes to events like this, the best action is to offer free cookies.

twacK. said...

LMAO. must u comment on every entry? :P

Wayne. said...

I must. It makes the posts look more populated. POPULATED!

vchi said...

spam spam spam....

this blog is populated...

yeah, I think you've just found the solution to world hunger - offering free cookies!!!!

Wayne. said...

Well, actually, if you want to battle 'world hunger', supposing that such a phenomenon actually exists, we'll have to loot people like 50 Cent and Soulja Boi. The world will be a happier place too.

Superman that ho!